{ "Warning" "WQCU_PARALLEL_USER_SHOULD_SPECIFY_NUM_PROC" "" "Number of processors has not been specified which may cause overloading on shared machines. Set the global assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best performance." { } { } 0 18236 "Number of processors has not been specified which may cause overloading on shared machines. Set the global assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best performance." 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551492019 ""}
{ "Info" "IQCU_PARALLEL_AUTODETECT_MULTIPLE_PROCESSORS" "12 12 " "Parallel compilation is enabled and will use 12 of the 12 processors detected" { } { } 0 20030 "Parallel compilation is enabled and will use %1!i! of the %2!i! processors detected" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551492019 ""}
{ "Info" "ISGN_START_ELABORATION_TOP" "chip8 " "Elaborating entity \"chip8\" for the top level hierarchy" { } { } 0 12127 "Elaborating entity \"%1!s!\" for the top level hierarchy" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551496936 ""}
{ "Warning" "WSGN_SEARCH_FILE" "memory.sv 1 1 " "Using design file memory.sv, which is not specified as a design file for the current project, but contains definitions for 1 design units and 1 entities in project" { { "Info" "ISGN_ENTITY_NAME" "1 memory " "Found entity 1: memory" { } { { "memory.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/memory.sv" 1 -1 0 } } } 0 12023 "Found entity %1!d!: %2!s!" 0 0 "Design Software" 0 -1 1712551496940 ""} } { } 0 12125 "Using design file %1!s!, which is not specified as a design file for the current project, but contains definitions for %2!llu! design units and %3!llu! entities in project" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551496940 ""}
{ "Warning" "WVRFX_VERI_2111_UNCONVERTED" "80 0 4095 memory.sv(14) " "Verilog HDL warning at memory.sv(14): number of words (80) in memory file does not match the number of elements in the address range \[0:4095\]" { } { { "memory.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/memory.sv" 14 0 0 } } } 0 10850 "Verilog HDL warning at %4!s!: number of words (%1!d!) in memory file does not match the number of elements in the address range \[%2!d!:%3!d!\]" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551496941 "|chip8|memory:mem"}
{ "Warning" "WVRFX_VERI_2111_UNCONVERTED" "260 512 4095 memory.sv(15) " "Verilog HDL warning at memory.sv(15): number of words (260) in memory file does not match the number of elements in the address range \[512:4095\]" { } { { "memory.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/memory.sv" 15 0 0 } } } 0 10850 "Verilog HDL warning at %4!s!: number of words (%1!d!) in memory file does not match the number of elements in the address range \[%2!d!:%3!d!\]" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551496941 "|chip8|memory:mem"}
{ "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VERI_EXPRESSION_TRUNCATED_TO_FIT" "32 16 cpu.sv(124) " "Verilog HDL assignment warning at cpu.sv(124): truncated value with size 32 to match size of target (16)" { } { { "cpu.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/cpu.sv" 124 0 0 } } } 0 10230 "Verilog HDL assignment warning at %3!s!: truncated value with size %1!d! to match size of target (%2!d!)" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551497024 "|chip8|cpu:cpu"}
{ "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VERI_EXPRESSION_TRUNCATED_TO_FIT" "32 16 cpu.sv(130) " "Verilog HDL assignment warning at cpu.sv(130): truncated value with size 32 to match size of target (16)" { } { { "cpu.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/cpu.sv" 130 0 0 } } } 0 10230 "Verilog HDL assignment warning at %3!s!: truncated value with size %1!d! to match size of target (%2!d!)" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551497024 "|chip8|cpu:cpu"}
{ "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VERI_EXPRESSION_TRUNCATED_TO_FIT" "32 16 cpu.sv(147) " "Verilog HDL assignment warning at cpu.sv(147): truncated value with size 32 to match size of target (16)" { } { { "cpu.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/cpu.sv" 147 0 0 } } } 0 10230 "Verilog HDL assignment warning at %3!s!: truncated value with size %1!d! to match size of target (%2!d!)" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551497024 "|chip8|cpu:cpu"}
{ "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VERI_EXPRESSION_TRUNCATED_TO_FIT" "32 5 cpu.sv(210) " "Verilog HDL assignment warning at cpu.sv(210): truncated value with size 32 to match size of target (5)" { } { { "cpu.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/cpu.sv" 210 0 0 } } } 0 10230 "Verilog HDL assignment warning at %3!s!: truncated value with size %1!d! to match size of target (%2!d!)" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551497024 "|chip8|cpu:cpu"}
{ "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VERI_EXPRESSION_TRUNCATED_TO_FIT" "32 5 cpu.sv(213) " "Verilog HDL assignment warning at cpu.sv(213): truncated value with size 32 to match size of target (5)" { } { { "cpu.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/cpu.sv" 213 0 0 } } } 0 10230 "Verilog HDL assignment warning at %3!s!: truncated value with size %1!d! to match size of target (%2!d!)" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551497024 "|chip8|cpu:cpu"}
{ "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VERI_EXPRESSION_TRUNCATED_TO_FIT" "32 16 cpu.sv(242) " "Verilog HDL assignment warning at cpu.sv(242): truncated value with size 32 to match size of target (16)" { } { { "cpu.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/cpu.sv" 242 0 0 } } } 0 10230 "Verilog HDL assignment warning at %3!s!: truncated value with size %1!d! to match size of target (%2!d!)" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551497024 "|chip8|cpu:cpu"}
{ "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VERI_EXPRESSION_TRUNCATED_TO_FIT" "32 5 cpu.sv(246) " "Verilog HDL assignment warning at cpu.sv(246): truncated value with size 32 to match size of target (5)" { } { { "cpu.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/cpu.sv" 246 0 0 } } } 0 10230 "Verilog HDL assignment warning at %3!s!: truncated value with size %1!d! to match size of target (%2!d!)" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551497024 "|chip8|cpu:cpu"}
{ "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VERI_EXPRESSION_TRUNCATED_TO_FIT" "32 5 cpu.sv(257) " "Verilog HDL assignment warning at cpu.sv(257): truncated value with size 32 to match size of target (5)" { } { { "cpu.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/cpu.sv" 257 0 0 } } } 0 10230 "Verilog HDL assignment warning at %3!s!: truncated value with size %1!d! to match size of target (%2!d!)" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551497024 "|chip8|cpu:cpu"}
{ "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VERI_EXPRESSION_TRUNCATED_TO_FIT" "32 16 cpu.sv(284) " "Verilog HDL assignment warning at cpu.sv(284): truncated value with size 32 to match size of target (16)" { } { { "cpu.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/cpu.sv" 284 0 0 } } } 0 10230 "Verilog HDL assignment warning at %3!s!: truncated value with size %1!d! to match size of target (%2!d!)" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551497024 "|chip8|cpu:cpu"}
{ "Warning" "WVRFX_VDB_DRIVERLESS_NET" "instr.src_reg 0 cpu.sv(108) " "Net \"instr.src_reg\" at cpu.sv(108) has no driver or initial value, using a default initial value '0'" { } { { "cpu.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/cpu.sv" 108 0 0 } } } 0 10030 "Net \"%1!s!\" at %3!s! has no driver or initial value, using a default initial value '%2!c!'" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551497024 "|chip8|cpu:cpu"}
{ "Warning" "WVRFX_VDB_DRIVERLESS_NET" "instr.src_addr 0 cpu.sv(108) " "Net \"instr.src_addr\" at cpu.sv(108) has no driver or initial value, using a default initial value '0'" { } { { "cpu.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/cpu.sv" 108 0 0 } } } 0 10030 "Net \"%1!s!\" at %3!s! has no driver or initial value, using a default initial value '%2!c!'" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551497024 "|chip8|cpu:cpu"}
{ "Warning" "WVRFX_VDB_DRIVERLESS_NET" "instr.dst_addr 0 cpu.sv(108) " "Net \"instr.dst_addr\" at cpu.sv(108) has no driver or initial value, using a default initial value '0'" { } { { "cpu.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/cpu.sv" 108 0 0 } } } 0 10030 "Net \"%1!s!\" at %3!s! has no driver or initial value, using a default initial value '%2!c!'" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551497024 "|chip8|cpu:cpu"}
{ "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_HDL_OBJECT_ASSIGNED_NOT_READ" "line_idx st7920_serial_driver.sv(23) " "Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at st7920_serial_driver.sv(23): object \"line_idx\" assigned a value but never read" { } { { "the-bomb/st7920_serial_driver.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/the-bomb/st7920_serial_driver.sv" 23 0 0 } } } 0 10036 "Verilog HDL or VHDL warning at %2!s!: object \"%1!s!\" assigned a value but never read" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551497040 "|chip8|cpu:cpu|st7920_serial_driver:gpu"}
{ "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VERI_EXPRESSION_TRUNCATED_TO_FIT" "32 7 st7920_serial_driver.sv(71) " "Verilog HDL assignment warning at st7920_serial_driver.sv(71): truncated value with size 32 to match size of target (7)" { } { { "the-bomb/st7920_serial_driver.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/the-bomb/st7920_serial_driver.sv" 71 0 0 } } } 0 10230 "Verilog HDL assignment warning at %3!s!: truncated value with size %1!d! to match size of target (%2!d!)" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551497040 "|chip8|cpu:cpu|st7920_serial_driver:gpu"}
{ "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VERI_EXPRESSION_TRUNCATED_TO_FIT" "32 7 st7920_serial_driver.sv(84) " "Verilog HDL assignment warning at st7920_serial_driver.sv(84): truncated value with size 32 to match size of target (7)" { } { { "the-bomb/st7920_serial_driver.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/the-bomb/st7920_serial_driver.sv" 84 0 0 } } } 0 10230 "Verilog HDL assignment warning at %3!s!: truncated value with size %1!d! to match size of target (%2!d!)" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551497040 "|chip8|cpu:cpu|st7920_serial_driver:gpu"}
{ "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VERI_EXPRESSION_TRUNCATED_TO_FIT" "32 6 st7920_serial_driver.sv(103) " "Verilog HDL assignment warning at st7920_serial_driver.sv(103): truncated value with size 32 to match size of target (6)" { } { { "the-bomb/st7920_serial_driver.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/the-bomb/st7920_serial_driver.sv" 103 0 0 } } } 0 10230 "Verilog HDL assignment warning at %3!s!: truncated value with size %1!d! to match size of target (%2!d!)" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551497040 "|chip8|cpu:cpu|st7920_serial_driver:gpu"}
{ "Warning" "WVRFX_L2_VERI_EXPRESSION_TRUNCATED_TO_FIT" "32 9 st7920_serial_driver.sv(131) " "Verilog HDL assignment warning at st7920_serial_driver.sv(131): truncated value with size 32 to match size of target (9)" { } { { "the-bomb/st7920_serial_driver.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/the-bomb/st7920_serial_driver.sv" 131 0 0 } } } 0 10230 "Verilog HDL assignment warning at %3!s!: truncated value with size %1!d! to match size of target (%2!d!)" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551497040 "|chip8|cpu:cpu|st7920_serial_driver:gpu"}
{ "Warning" "WVRFX_VDB_DRIVERLESS_NET" "commands\[6..10\] 0 st7920_serial_driver.sv(26) " "Net \"commands\[6..10\]\" at st7920_serial_driver.sv(26) has no driver or initial value, using a default initial value '0'" { } { { "the-bomb/st7920_serial_driver.sv" "" { Text "/home/nickorlow/programming/school/warminster/yayacemu/the-bomb/st7920_serial_driver.sv" 26 0 0 } } } 0 10030 "Net \"%1!s!\" at %3!s! has no driver or initial value, using a default initial value '%2!c!'" 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551497040 "|chip8|cpu:cpu|st7920_serial_driver:gpu"}
{ "Info" "ISCL_SCL_LOST_FANOUT_MSG_HDR" "4 " "4 registers lost all their fanouts during netlist optimizations." { } { } 0 17049 "%1!d! registers lost all their fanouts during netlist optimizations." 0 0 "Analysis & Synthesis" 0 -1 1712551551646 ""}