# yacemu (Yet Another Chip Eight Emulator) A Chip-8 emulator written in C. Depends on SDL2. ### Todo - [x] Graphics - [x] Corax+ Required Instructions - [ ] Rest of Instructions - [ ] Working Input - [ ] Tetris Running - [ ] Extended instruction set (MEGACHIP, SUPER CHIP-48) - [ ] Add my own custom instructions - [ ] Write a ROM that uses the above instructions ### Screenshots ![Chip 8 Logo Demo](https://github.com/nickorlow/yacemu/blob/main/screenshots/chip8-logo.png?raw=true) ![IBM Logo Demo](https://github.com/nickorlow/yacemu/blob/main/screenshots/ibm-logo.png?raw=true) ![Corax Plus Test Demo](https://github.com/nickorlow/yacemu/blob/main/screenshots/corax+-test.png?raw=true)