# RAZZLE Yet another monolithic kernel ## Roadmap Things that are done and will be done, roughly in the order I'd like to do them. - [x] i386 - [x] Basic display with BIOS VGA - [x] Basic input with PS/2 keyboards - [x] System calls w/ software interrupts - [x] Multitasking w/ round-robin scheduler - [ ] FAT Filesystem support - [ ] Interactive shell - [ ] Milestone: Simplistic editing of RAZZLE source on RAZZLE - [ ] Virtual memory - [ ] Audio driver - [ ] Milestone: Listen to "Hey, St. Peter" by Flash and the Pan on RAZZLE - [ ] Network driver - [ ] Milestone: Simple HTTP server running on RAZZLE - [ ] Higher-resolution graphics driver - [ ] (Maybe) Milestone: Run [Anthracite](https://github.com/nickorlow/anthracite) unmodified on Razzle - [ ] Multicore support - [ ] x86_64 - [ ] aarch64